Tag Archives: housework

Edit like the wind!

Woo! I edited a long chapter today! All thanks to being able to sit in the same room with Christa and work diligently side by side. And now I’m through Chapter Seven! I’m sure that once my beta readers make it through Chapter Seven, I will have to go back through and fix things, but I have at least (hopefully) made editing a little easier for them! And maybe, if I’m lucky, there will be very few things I’ll have to go back and change!

Numerically, I’ve edited 50 pages out of 157 pages! So I’m pretty much a third of the way through my book! On the first edit pass through at least. Woo! That’s so exciting for me! I’m excited to see what my beta readers will say about Chapter Seven!

On a completely different note, There are even more things I’m excited about! Namely, my boyfriend, fiance thing (who my friends now call my Beyonce, which cracks me up) have been gardening a lot lately! We planted two Japanese Magnolia trees in the front yard, and just sodded the whole area with St. Aug grass. Even though it was a lot of work, tilling, raking, cutting up the pieces to make them fit perfectly, it was so worth it. I can tell my very weak muscles will protest quietly tomorrow, but I don’t care. I’m so happy!

Sodded Yard

Yard Sodded!

In the backyard, we planted sugar snap peas, strawberries, mint, and sweet basil. We also planted a satsuma tree and a peach tree! And the satsuma tree is exploding!! It has these adorable little white buds all over it and tons of new leaves and new branch growth! Ah! I think we’re going to have like a hundred satsumas this year!

Satsuma Blooms!

Satsuma Blooms!

Oh and we also have two blueberry bushes! And one of them also has a ton of flowers all over it! I freaking love blueberries, so if we get a ton of them, I’m going to freak out and eat like all of them. My lips and teeth might be blue for like weeks. Though I’m not sure which I’ll eat more of, the strawberries or the blueberries…

Herb Garden

Strawberries, Mint, and Sweet Basil!

Anyway, that was my “happy housework” tangent. What’s made all of you excited in the last week or so?

Much love,
